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Creating an Automation in the Eve App Vs. the Home App

Home is our go-to app for most use cases, but eventually, many HomeKit users discover the few limitations within the app, namely being able to use ‘conditions’ within an automation. Currently, the Home app is limited in what conditions can be set – mostly time-based – with automations based on simple things like temperature and humidity not possible. This is where the Eve for HomeKit app steps in, with a lot more functionality in this regard. Still, for the uninitiated, the Eve app can be hard to work out with its slightly different terminology – Rules instead of Automations, for example. With this video, we hope to show you how these differences aren’t as complicated as they might seem.

The Editor

Editor - Musician, graphic designer and HomeKit aficionado.

8 thoughts on “Creating an Automation in the Eve App Vs. the Home App

  • Pingback: Creating an Automation in the Eve App Vs. the Home App - HomeKit News & Reviews - YokyHome

  • Hi Simon,
    Good tutorial, thanks a lot.
    Does eve app can use Logitech circle 2 brightness sensor to make an automation?
    For example: If “Room’s brightness under 10 lux and motion sensor trigger then open the light.”
    I tried many setting types on eve app, but it can’t work correctly.
    If you can do this kind of automation ( Brightness-based ), please let me know how to set it up.
    Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Danny. As long as the light sensor in the Logitech Circle 2 is exposed to HomeKit as a sensor, you should be able to create an automation based on the motion and light/lux level. I just tried a quick automation with an Aqara motion sensor and a separate Mi Light Sensor, and it worked fine. However, the process of the automation was to use the motion sensor as the main trigger, with the light sensor being the condition;

      If motion is detected – and light level is less or equal to 10lux – then turn on kitchen lights.

      In theory you could do it the other way around – if light level is less or equal to 10lux – and motion is detected – then turn on kitchen lights, but to me the logical way would be the motion sensor being the trigger, as a light sensor may not report back any changes instantly, whereas a motion sensor will react and report back instantly.

      If you want me to go through the creation of this kind of automation, just let me know.

      • Hi Simon,
        Thanks for the prompt reply.
        I had tried these two methods.
        First, the light will always turn on when motion trigger, no matter the condition value.
        The second, light wouldn’t turn on.
        So, I’m curious about whether LC2’s light sensor functionality problem.
        I will be thankful if you can try this setting on LC2.
        Best regards,

        • Hi, I don’t have the LC2 myself, but I will ask someone I know that does have it, to test out the automation. As soon as I hear back, I’ll let you know the outcome.

        • Hi Danny, a colleague has tried this automation and it seems to work ok. He used motion as the trigger, and the light level as the condition. However, he thinks he knows the issue; In the Eve app, you have three options in this kind of automation – “Equals” (=), “Great than or equal to” (>=), and “Less than or equal to” (<=). It would seem that HomeKit has a bug where your kind of automation will only work if you use "less than" (<) or "greater than" (>), which isn’t possible in the Eve app. There are other apps that support all of these options, like Home+, HomeDash for example, so you should try either of these apps.

          • Hi Simon, thank you so much for the kindly help. I will try again using your suggestion.

          • You’re welcome. Let us know how things work out.

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