Aqara Products Now in Chinese Apple Stores – Amazon US Next…?
A few days ago, Aqara products made their official debut in ‘Bricks & Mortar’ Apple Stores throughout China (42 stores to be precise), giving them an unofficial seal of approval that they’re now part of the HomeKit family. Of course, the range of Aqara products you can find has actually been around for a while now, since the release of the Aqara Hub in August of last year, but with the appearance in Apple Stores, one could say this all makes it all ‘official’.
Taken at the Shanghai Apple Store, pictured above, you can see a selection of Aqara’s product line that works with Apple HomeKit. While this might seem like good news for both Aqara and HomKit enthusiasts in China, customers elsewhere, especially the United States, have been left with the choice of either buying from stores like AliExpress and having to contend with a China-to-US adaptor, or simply wait, with various proposed North American launch dates come and go with no change. It now seems that the day may finally be coming for US customers, as we’ve been reliably informed that Aqara products will officially launch on this Monday on March 11th. If you’ve been following HomeKit News since last summer, you’ll know that we’ve previously reported, in good faith, of previous US launch dates, only to see these fail to materialise, so we’re understandably cautious about this latest proposed date, but taking into account the imminent launch of the EU version of the hub (pegged for April 2019) and the aforementioned appearance in Apple Stores, we feel it will finally happen.
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