After a period of beta testing, security focussed smart home manufacturer Abode have updated their app (v5.2) to include functionality for both Siri Shortcuts, as well as adding a quick access iOS Widget.
The Siri Shortcuts app now has the Abode app as an available option when you select ‘Apps’. This then gives you four main options;
Get Device Status
Manage Alarm
Run Quick Action
Set Abode System Mode
New options for Siri Shortcuts
Get device status
The first of these allows you to ask Siri what the curent status is of your Abode devices, be that the alarm system, a motion sensor, or a contact sensor, for example. Tapping this Shortcut results in an on-screen message, whilst asking Siri directly will give you a voice response.
Manage Alarms
Manage Alarm options
The second option allows you quick control of your alarm, with ‘disable’ or ‘verify’ options, allowing you to quickly turn the alarm off, or if the alarm is in ‘Home’ mode, allows you to acknowledge the notification with ‘verify’.
Run an Abode ‘Action’
Quick Action options
The third option, ‘Run Quick Action’, gives you the opportunity to run what can be described as Abode’s own version of Shortcuts. For example, with streaming Abode cameras, you can create a quick action to capture a video clip, or turn the camera on or off. With ‘Notifications’, you can create specific push notifications that can be sent to a person’s phone or sent via email.
Abode System Mode
System Mode options
The fourth option, which is to quickly set the Abode alarm/system mode, you’re given options for Standby, Home, or Away, with the Shortcuts option to either perform the Shortcut without asking, or asking each time, which makes this slightly different from asking Siri to perform this option in the standard fashion.
Alarm Mode widget
Camera snapshot widget
Adobe has also added a Widget, so you can quickly access to some of the basic options of the Abode app.
Alarm status widget
Sensor status widget
These include options for showing and controlling the status of the Abode alarm system, and the status of your sensors.
Camera small snapshot widget
Camera medium snapshot widget
Camera large snapshot widget
If you have any cameras connected to the Abode system, including the camera built into the Iota Gateway, you can add a widget showing a snapshot from these cameras, available in all three offered widget sizes.
If the Abode system has grabbed your attention, you can read our in-depth review of the Abode Iota Starter kit HERE, or check out our overview video below.